OLKIControl Method training program app available on new site
Activating intuitive exerciser for improved core stability control
OLKIControl- exerciser strengthens the mid control of the body through intuition and exercise. Intuition and activating the deep muscles gives the body a strong core support.
- Activating, sensitive, positive, random
- Exercises can also be performed sitting down or in a wheelchair
- Light to use
- Easy to adjust for the exerciser
- Well tolerated and liked in back patients
- Additional help for other methods in the field of health and sports and training with utilities
- Transformation effect to sport specific performance
- Start training by the guidance of a professional on the field of health or social services
- Finnish patented innovation*
A new OLKIControl presentation video has been released!

”OLKIControl is a great, easy to use and affordable way for developing, activating and training the core muscles. Results are best achieved with a daily routine. The investment is small, yet the results are excellent. The OLKIControl device can be used anywhere. As always, the simple solutions deliver the best results.”
Hannu Luomajoki, PT PhD, Professor für muskuloskeletal

TtM Vesa Lehtola Dissertation: Sub-classification based specific movement control exercises are superior to general exercise in sub-acute low back pain when both are combined with manual therapy: A randomized controlled trial: https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-016-0986-y
“OLKIControl devive is well suited for physiotherapy for prolonged low back pain. It enables the trainee to perceive the role of body muscle muscles. We use it in our physiotherapy clinic for all low back pain patients, who practise in our clinic`s gym. The patients are satisfied with the using of OLKIControl.”
Vesa Lehtola
Physiotherapist , OMT, PhD
OMT-Fysio Kotka
Leo-Pekka Tähti, five time Paralympics Gold medallist, three times World Champion and World record holder in 100m is preparing for the season by training core muscles with OLKIControl.
“I have been very satisfied with OLKIControl. I use it before trainings to strengthen my core.”
Leo-Pekka Tähti
Paralympics Gold medallist
World Champion, World record holder in 100 m

Testimonial for the OLKIControl exercise system
The OLKIControl exercise system has been effective in eliciting improved motor control and strength of the deep inner core muscles. When used in its simplest form and with its limited range of motion into rotation, it can be helpful in dancers with overuse muscle issues or lower back pain, increasing circulation and promoting improved activation of the multifidi and transverse abdominus muscles so vital to stabilize the trunk and core.
I have found it especially helpful with very hypermobile dancers who have difficulty accessing their deep inner core muscles and finding central stability. I have found it to be instrumental in helping to change some of their motor control patterns.
In dance medicine, the OLKIControl exercise system is a useful device to allow for intuitive activation and use of the deep core muscles with movement and can be used in a very task specific manner for ballet. When combined with movement, the impact on function and the possibilities are endless.
Combine other exercises with olkicontrol exercises by pressing here
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OLKI-posters now for sale!
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Tips for OLKI standing position movements
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Olli and Kirsi Rahnasto – the developers of OLKIControl
OLKIControl is the brainchild of Olli and Kirsi Rahnasto, a couple with a keen interest in sports and physical exercise. As a young man, Olli Rahnasto was engaged in a wide range of sports until he finally took up tennis on a full-time basis. He is one of Finland’s most successful tennis players of all times. He was ranked among the top 100 ATP players in the world and served as the captain of Finland’s Davis Cup team for several years.
Olli Rahnasto has completed the professional qualification of a tennis coach and worked as the head coach of the Finnish Tennis Association and as a coach in Germany and Norway. Currently he is involved in a wide range of sports from coaching to event organising.
Mrs Kirsi Rahnasto was a professional dancer who graduated from the Ballet School of the Finnish National Opera. She has also served as a dance and exercise group instructor for people of various ages. Kirsi Rahnasto has been closely involved in Olli’s team both during his career as a professional player and coach as well as in the various sports projects.
OLKIControl helps understand how to improve your core stability control
For several years, Olli and Kirsi Rahnasto used to engage in a wide range of body control exercises. In the course of these activities, they realised what was the key to efficient body control. Next, they began to think about the ways in which people could easily improve and develop body control on their own. After ten years of research and testing, they were able to introduce the OLKIControl exerciser for improved core stability control. The first prototype was completed in 2012.
Originally, OLKIControl was primarily intended for athletes. However, a pilot study demonstrated that OLKIControl was also ideal for helping people with back problems and preventing back pain among sedentary office workers.
Moreover, OLKIControl helps elderly people maintain and improve their sense of balance and thus even helps to prevent falling accidents and injuries. OLKIControl is a truly innovative aid in physical treatment and for use at care homes as part of the overall efforts to promote physical fitness. Athletes and those engaged in physical exercise are encouraged to buy a personal OLKIControl. If so, it is important that you start using the device under the supervision of an OLKIControl representative, physiotherapist, personal trainer or a coach familiar with OLKIControl to ensure that you gain the full benefit of the device.

At Saga Helapuisto nursing home the Olki device is being used for rehabilitation and for maintaining the performance of the elderly. The device can also be used sitting in a wheelchair. According to physiotherapist Tuomas Tenkanen the device is excellent for training core stability muscles and body control with elderly.
The personnel at Saga home use the same gym as the inhabitants and they have also found the device to be excellent for exercising. They point out the simple movement that stretches the shoulder and back muscles, at the same time training the core muscles. These are very important aspects in maintaining the ability to work in care work, states Tuula Korhonen, head of Helapuisto home.
OLKI exercises activate and strengthen the pelvic floorI have used OlkiControl in my work as a physiotherapist since August 2016. It has been my clinical experience that Olki control exercising assesses all deep core muscles, including pelvic floor muscles. The greatest increase in muscle activity is achieved in a neutral lumbopelvic position. I often start by correcting my clients lumbopelvic position in a supine, prone or sidelying position before doing the Olki exercises sitting or standing up.
For the client to learn how to maintain a correct neutral lumbopelvic position actively, warming up by pushing the device in a short range back and forth might be good. Then add flexion in the knees and hips.
After this the Olki Star exercise is in my experience a good choice since it is a functional movement where you relax the muscles when the device moves and activate the muscles when you stop the device and change direction.